Are you directly funded by DHHS and looking for an agency to buy some supports from?
Direct Funding >
Are you looking for an agency to hold and manage your funds but you want to direct and design your own services and employ your own staff?
Brokerage\Hosting >
Do you want to share the development and management of your individualised services with Milparinka?
Shared Management >
Do you want group supports?
Group Supports >
Do you want a mix of group and individual supports?
Combined Groups and Individual Supports >
- Assistance with Daily Personal activities
- Centre Based Groups and Activities
- Communication Skills Development
- Home and Living
- Individualised Arrangements
- Managing Your Plan’s Funding
- Our NDIS Prices
- Plan Management
- Recreation - what, when and how you want it
- Respite - personally designed for you
- Self-Managing Staff
- Support Coordination