For many people the NDIS has created the opportunity for you to have many more individual supports that are just focused on you. It sounds great but it doesn’t automatically mean a good outcome.
‘Individualised Supports’ are not magic words and individualised supports are not great just because they are individualised; good outcomes and great opportunities are not automatic. To be sure that the individual supports we provide create the best opportunities we are committed to ensuring that individualisation comes from a well-developed understanding of who you are and what you need or want in your life.
We also know that money doesn’t think: people do. So just because the NDIS may have given you funds to access supports and you can afford lots of individual arrangements it doesn’t mean that you will automatically get something good. Unless you have a chance to think deeply about who you are, what you want and the best way for you to design your supports, and the people supporting you understand those things, then it is possible that many individualised supports will not be focused and could be wasted.
We provide two main types of individualised supports. Individual Supports, where you have decided what you want and you want staff who can do this activity with you. The other, Lifestyle Development, is where you may be unclear about what you want, or clear but not sure how to get it. In Lifestyle development we will spend more time with you to identify and design with you a tailor made model of support that suits you.
Regardless of which of these options you select, or whether you tell us there is a new or different way of working together that you prefer, we will want in our relationship with you to ensure that you and your family have authority, influence and control over all aspects of your supports.
Feel free to call us to have a chat about your supports or have a read of some of our stories to see how people have focused their supports to give themselves better stories to tell.
- Assistance with Daily Personal activities
- Centre Based Groups and Activities
- Communication Skills Development
- Home and Living
- Individualised Arrangements
- Managing Your Plan’s Funding
- Our NDIS Prices
- Plan Management
- Recreation - what, when and how you want it
- Respite - personally designed for you
- Self-Managing Staff
- Support Coordination