Assistance with Daily Life provides you with support in everyday personal activities that assist you to live as independently as possible at home and in the community. This means regular tasks that need to be done in the usual course of a day, like getting out of bed, showering, eating and getting around.
The support types that Milparinka may be able to assist you with in this category are
- Assistance with daily personal activities
- Assistance with household tasks
- Assistance in shared living arrangements
- Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (see our Respite section)
While we seek to support you to do all these things for yourself your funding can be used for support workers to assist with tasks, or do them for you if you are unable to do them yourself.
Some examples of things you might be able to use this funding for include:
Help with getting ready for your day (showering, dressing etc.)
Support to help you get out and about in the community including driving you to places or accompanying you on public transport
Help to do household chores such as cleaning
Getting help in the garden such as lawn mowing
Someone to assist with food preparation and meals, or the costs associated with meal delivery
Support with health and fitness
Assistance getting to appointments.
- Assistance with Daily Personal activities
- Centre Based Groups and Activities
- Communication Skills Development
- Home and Living
- Individualised Arrangements
- Managing Your Plan’s Funding
- Our NDIS Prices
- Plan Management
- Recreation - what, when and how you want it
- Respite - personally designed for you
- Self-Managing Staff
- Support Coordination